cleaning service

What If My Cleaning Is Unsatisfactory?

Addressing a Disappointing Clean

We're sorry if your clean hasn't gone to plan. We have a super responsive support team & a great team of of 5* Housekeepers. So we'll get any issues fixed for you as soon as possible.

If you find that your cleaning service did not meet your expectations, please contact us as soon as possible. We take customer satisfaction seriously and will work to resolve any issues promptly. Our team is committed to ensuring that you are happy with the results.

Steps to Take

  1. Reach out to our customer service via whatsapp or email.
  2. Provide details about your concerns.
  3. Allow us to rectify the situation, whether through a re-clean or a refund.

We'll be in touch to help. If your Housekeeper missed tasks or areas during the clean, please take photos and include these with your feedback.

We recommend contacting us about any disappointing cleans as soon as you can, and within 72 hours of the clean finishing. Our support team will help to get things back on track right away.